Week 1 Announcements
Important Reminders
Check your email daily!
Be certain you have the Girls Track Home Page bookmarked on all of your devices!
Check-in with Coach Ramsey in the Middle Gym by 3:45.
Athletes who do not have a Physical Exam/Parental Consent Form on file will not be allowed to participate in practice.
Uniform Shorts Order Form. If you are interested in purchasing your own personal pair of uniform shorts or spandex, please fill out the form and return it with your payment to Coach Ramsey by Fri, Mar 15th.
If you are interested in purchasing girls track apparel items, please go to the online store and order by Sun, Mar 3rd .
The online store is from Sayler Screen Printing: https://gishgirlstrack24.itemorder.com/
Athlete/Parent Sign-Off Form. Follow the instructions on the form and return it to Coach Ramsey by Fri, Mar 15th.
Event Groups
Throwers with Coach Tomlin, Coach Miller, Coach Anderson, and Coach Myers.
Pole vaulters with Coach Morrow and Coach Tamayo. Pole vaulters will warm-up with the sprinters and jumpers every day.
Middle distance with Coach Ramsey.
Distance with Coach Roach
Hurdlers with Coach Lynn.
Sprinters and Jumpers with Coach Stern and Coach Jorgensen.
Contact Information
Girls Track & Field website.
Coach Ramsey can be contacted at kbramsey@gips.org
GISH Girls T&F Twitter account @GishGirlsTrack.
All information about track meets is on the calendar.
Information is updated during the season as it becomes available.
Grades are checked weekly beginning Week 4 of the season.
Athletes with failing grades in any class will not be allowed to participate in track meets until the athlete provides a note from the instructor that the grade has improved.
Spring Tryouts for Show Choir, Cheerleading, Islandaires, etc
If you not able to schedule a later tryout, please understand that your absence counts against your participation in track meets the week following the tryouts.
Commitment. Being committed connects you to those who came before you and those that will come after.
Attendance. Your presence makes a difference. Your teammates are counting on you.
Competition. Strive to be a competitor every day. Train both your feet and your heart.
Eligibility. Protect your eligibility to participate in track meets by attending practice, maintaining passing grades, and meeting both school and team expectations for your behavior.
Team. Concern for the well-being of others is at the heart of great teams.
Choices. It's all about choices...and making the right ones.
Event Choices
I will honor your choice of event(s) at the start of the season.
Do not change events on your own—please come talk to me first!
Please be willing to change events.
Attendance Policies
Practice starts at 3:45. Be on time or bring a note.
Athletes are expected to check-in with their event group each day as they arrive for practice. If you are late, please check in with Coach Ramsey.
If you anticipate missing a track meet please let Coach Ramsey know as much in advance as possible.
Absence from two or more practices during any week of the season will result in disqualification from participation in track meets for the following week.
Excessive absence, regardless of reason may result in removal from the team.
Absences not reported to the Attendance Office are considered unexcused until the athlete provides a written note explaining the reason for the absence, or, I am able to confirm your absence by phone or e-mail. Athletes with unexcused absences are not allowed to participate in track meets until the unexcused absence is resolved.
Uniform & Lock Checkout
Lockers/Locks can be checked out with Mr. Higgins in the East Gym.
Uniforms will be checked out beginning Monday, March 18th.
Injury Management
Athletes with injuries will be referred to Todd Goshorn. No athlete is allowed to manage their own injuries or prescribe a rehabilitation plan for themselves.
Mr. Goshorn will keep me advised of your progress and readiness for competition.
All school regulations regarding dress are enforced at practice. Be prepared for the weather.
It is strongly suggested that you leave all valuables locked in your locker or car during practice. This includes cell phones, jewelry, etc. School personnel are not responsible for lost or stolen items.